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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ever Wanted to play Drums ?: One of the Greatest passed away at 82 ,Joe Morello !

Ever Wanted to play Drums ?: Joe Morello passes at 82

Sunday, March 13, 2011

So you at one time or another thought it would be Cool to play drums.
You were right ,One of the Greatest drummer's and Teachers get his next gig in Heaven.
Drummer Joe Morello passed at 82.  Check out Joe playing "take 5" the  tune called so because it's in 5/4 , 5 beats a measure, not 4 like everything played in Mtv to the BBC. Try playing along...?

1 comment:

  1. Not, knocking technology... There is something about live music that is spiritually erotic, intellectually stimulating, and emotionally refreshing.

    What a talent. I hope his influence was appreciated.


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