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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nature's Design :Japan Tsunami Whirlpool (s)

Nature's Design :Japan Tsunami Whirlpool (s)
Sunday, March 13, 2011

just FYI this is not the latest Pirates of the Caribbean or next big Computer Graphic block Buster....Real City size tsunami whirlpool(s) !
This not a Drill ! but an actual Emergency ! the link to see the incredible pictures upclose Mailonline
How do you escape from this ? (find the boat !)

1 comment:

  1. Escape? Miracle or Evacuation

    The aftermath of this is huge. Bacteria and chemical contamination, lost crops, life loss, and now radiation. That is rough for any peoples to endure.

    Some things are outside of man's control. Those series of events were simply unbelievable. Things like this remind you to not take life for granted, it is a gift.


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